Monday, October 31, 2016

Song #236: "Middle of The Road"--Pretenders (1983)

This song, more than any other, may, to me, signify the "sound" of the Pretenders. A driving beat, taking no prisoners from its drum beginning, the array of instrumentation, and, of course, Chrissie Hynde. So, I'm sorry, but it blows other songs like "Brass In Pocket" away.

When this song begins, you should become overwhelmed with a desire to do something. But the song is also meant to make you think, about where you've been, where you're going, where you want to go, and if you really want to be in the middle of the road, or if you want to shake things up and go for it. Yes, you may hit the ditch occasionally, but no one succeeded greatly with some bumps in the road.

This song was also born for early morning treadmills.  :)

It's the second of five songs from the Pretenders in our musical journey.

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