Thursday, April 13, 2017

Song #72: "Meanwhile"--The Moody Blues (1981)

Two weeks ago, we talked about how my true discovery of The Moody Blues came when I bought their 1981 album, "Long Distance Voyager". Today we have the second of four songs from that album to make, not just my Top 500, but my Top 100.

Like "22,000 Days" before it, "Meanwhile" wasn't a commercial single to Top 40 radio (though some rock stations did air it), but a song I discovered with the album in hand. It's the story of a man thinking about the woman he loves being in the arms of someone else, and how daydreaming, hoping and wishing won't change the reality.

"But in this part I've got to play;
It doesn't quite turn out that way..."

Whimsical in its sound, but heavy on the heart with its vocals and message, here's "Meanwhile".

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