Monday, January 07, 2008

I knew it!!!

6:30 tonight equals tears!!

Before 6:32pm on NBC, ABC and CBS, each showed the Hillary "tear event". First.

Obama is opening up anywhere from a seven to ten point lead, and who leads? Yep, Hillary.

I saw her tear up on all three channels! And poor Andrea Mitchell of NBC, reporting on the Clinton campaign daily on NBC, looked and sounded like she was gonna cry.

Maybe we should re-think that "liberal media" label, and start to wonder if it's not just the "Clinton media". As of this moment, I don't see any Republican who could stop Obama in November. You would think Democrats would be brimming with anticipatory joy over his popularity and strong campaign to this point.

Got me. Best line during the 6:30 half hour was actually on Fox News, where, while discussing "the tears", Brit Hume said he was a White House correspondent during the first Clinton administration, and said, "Bill could cry on cue."

Tomorrow's gonna be a wild day.

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