Friday, March 02, 2007

It ain't just the stock market...... emotions have been going on a huge rollercoaster ride this week, and at the closing bell tonight, I admit that I've experienced significant losses, too.

The good news is I don't plan on selling myself off anytime soon. :)

The bad news is it's becoming apparent that February 19, 2007 will go down as one of the worst days of, say, the past almost 40 years of my life......

Don't ask why. It's private.


Bloggers----you know this feeling. You see something and want to link to it, hear something and want to comment on it, but are so busy that, three days later, when you finally get a chance to blog......I CANNOT REMEMBER A THING. :)

But I'll try.

First, a couple of links to good stories from this week's CBS Evening News.

---Over 50 years, and they're still playing cards.....

---This lady didn't just play the fiddle, she made it, too! Oh, and she's 90.


What fringe 0.13 percent of the population elected Al Gore the "next God"??


Rachel says her school has celebrated her 10th birthday all week by having great lunches, every day this week.


I'd like to go back to North Carolina this weekend. Had more fun there last weekend than I have this week. And I hear the BBQ is good down there, too. :)

OH, AND FINALLY----to the potential winner of tonight's $275 million dollar Mega Millions jackpot, I know a GREAT way to make a small investment and create nice revenue growth. Call it your "coffee fund".

P.S.----Get off Katie Couric's back!!! I'm sick and tired of hearing everybody gripe about her and call her a failure, yadda, yadda.

Do any of you remember when Walter Cronkite was TAKEN OFF the anchor desk at a 1964 National Convention when CBS News looked for a team to take on the then #1 team of Huntley and Brinkley on NBC??

Alright then. Hang in there, Katie. :)

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