Wednesday, March 07, 2007

When Cable News looks weird......

Kiran Chetry....on CNN.

I haven't seen her on TV there yet; I had heard she bolted Fox after some, ah, negotiating issues, I reckon.

She always struck me as a Fox News person "through and through", as it were. Really don't know why.

So, when I saw the above screen grab online tonight (thanks to, I thought, surreal.

Kinda like when your favorite wrestler left one promotion for another back in the 1980s or 1990s. What? Hulk Hogan in WCW? It doesn't LOOK RIGHT!!!

Good luck, Kiran!! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought Kiran loved Fox. She always had complimentary things to say about working there. She gave some interview to one of these fan sites a couple of years ago, and she said of Fox "I'd never want to leave". I believe things really soured when Gretchen Carlson was given the Fox and Friends spot. I believe when that happened, Chetry probably thought about jumping ship.

I always thought Kiran to be a lifetime, loyal employee at Fox. She really fit there, seemed at home there. I keep reading that she is already fitting in nicely at CNN, but I don't see it. Yes, I know Kiran has some liberal views, but she never struck me as the type of person to have an agenda in her reporting. She is one of the most fair in her business, and I guess I am a bit hurt that she would even consider going to CNN, much less with the enthusiasm that she has expressed about it all. I want to believe that she won't change, but I really don't have much optimism that she will be that same girl that we came to know and love at Fox. Oh well, she's made her decision and it's over.