Sunday, January 09, 2005

REVIEW: 24: 7am to 9am

Well, no wonder the Muslim community is upset.....

But I'll get to that later.....

First, GREAT start to season "4" of 24. I, being VERY suspicious of losing most of the characters from past seasons, including President Palmer, and my personal favorite, Michelle Dessler at CTU....

It was clear from the start to understand the foundations of the plot; we saw some stuff coming (we didn't give Jack's "replacement" long, and sure enough......), and other stuff came out of the blue (the kidnapping of the Sec. of Defense), but, so far, it's at least 3 out of 4 stars.

I look very much forward to two more hours tomorrow night, and the fact that Fox won't be doing "reruns" or "preempts"; it'll be one hour, every week, 'til the payoff in May.

Ms Driscoll, new head of CTU: Her ego will cost someone something before it's all over.

Chloe, the other "holdover", is, still, Chloe, except she does seem to have matured in her job, and the decision to trust Jack over her boss spoke about her character, too.

My new favorite character, the new guy w/glasses who didn't need his laptop at the meeting in hour one because he had "memorized everything". Reminds me of the guy on Alias who talks alot....sometimes when everyone just wishes he'd shut up.

Now, the portrayal of the "bad guys"; there are 22 episodes to go, so who we've seen thus far could simply be third-rate hired help for the ultimate "evil-doer", but, in light of our post 9-11 circumstances, it doesn't scare me a family is portrayed this way, because, it could happen. BUT, a family of any descent is capable of doing it, too (i.e.--imagine Timothy McVeigh with a wife and teenage son to help him on his "cause"....)

My point is this; rather than focus on Fox's television show, I believe the Council on American-Islamic Relations would be better served understanding the fact that there is a fringe element (and it seems to be growing) of Muslims who fit this profile, and, as recent history has shown in the Middle East, have no problems sending their children into crowded markets hooked up with explosives. They should focus all their energies on eliminating the fringe element; that would do far much more to benefit the perception of loving, kind, genuinely great Muslims that live in America and worldwide.

We have a similar problem here in Richmond. We've changed city government to allow an elected mayor. Former Governor Doug Wilder won the election in a landslide. He is WELL known for getting things done.......BUT........ the final letter to the editor of the Richmond Times-Dispatch on this page and see the real issues that are facing Richmond.

1) Crime will never be subdued in the city of Richmond until black-on-black crime is fully attacked and stopped. But how do you do this in a "politically expedient" manner??

2) Get the city's thumbs out of everything! Privatize, offer tax incentives to revitalize, and figure out a way to provide low-low-priced or free, safe, well-lit parking. You could see HDTV's for $200 downtown, but if I can't find a place to park and/or feel safe, you can keep the HDTV.

I'm confident that if there is anyone who will "touch" the "untouchable" subject, it's Doug Wilder. Good luck to him!! :)

So, to review:

EXCELLENT start to "24", even with having to learn new characters; I feel like I've already known them.....

The Council on American-Islamic Relations should focus on ending the fringe radicals within Islam who have created this "stereotype" which they are so upset about it being portrayed on "24". Destroy the fringe, and there's no reason to use a "stereotype".

Doug, get the job done in Richmond. The city needs it, and as the city goes, so goes the entire Richmond Metro Area.

I gotta go beddy-bye now; busy week ahead (what's new!!!)

Monday: Work, day to pick up Rachel from school, MUST be home by 8pm for "24".

Tuesday: Work, then "Share and Prayer Group" at church.

Wednesday: The first of the usual two "longer work days".

Thursday: The second of the aforementioned, and a lunch appointment with a couple seeking my services to perform their wedding in May.

...and the beat goes on.

And so, until we make it to 11am on Day Four....take care! :)

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