Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Just Shut Up and Give Already!!!

Nothing like taking the worst natural disaster in eons and turn it into the "we gave more than you did" pageant.

Thank the UN and the French for blowing this open. The UN official says we're "stingy", then the French beat their chests saying their giving, like $56 million the day after the initial U.S. figure of $15 million (which, of course, became $350 million in the snap of a finger).

From Reuters, via Yahoo News Singapore comes the following quote:

The European Union warned against nations trying to outbid each other in a "beauty contest," without being sure the money would be well spent.

The EU would link aid to needs and "it's not really important to make competition to know who will promise the highest level," said European Commissioner for Development and Humanitarian Assistance Louis Michel.

Too late, EU.
Thanks, France.

Like Jesus said about the proud who pray in public so everyone will see them; they've gotten their blessing.

The countries who give while keeping their mouth shut, and the people who give $10 and can't afford it, but do it anyway, now THEY are the ones I applaud, and the ones who will be blessed, the good way.

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