Sunday, April 22, 2007

Melissa Greer: Perspective on life from someone I didn't even knew.....

An avid surfer at TV news websites, I think I do remember on a couple of occasions seeing headlines about a Charlotte TV personality battling cancer.

I saw on Yahoo! headlines tonight that she passed. So I went to find the site of the station where she worked.

It was WBTV, the CBS affiliate.

Her name was Melissa Greer. She was born in 1979 and only 25 when she arrived in Charlotte to work for WBTV. She obviously made a huge impact on the people around her. She married last year and was expecting her first child when a discovery of a rare form of cancer occurred.

The rest of the story is best told by her colleagues. Please see and read here.

But that is not the page I really want you to read. She was doing well enough that she was able to come to a baby shower at the station three weeks ago, but her condition took a final turn a week later. Eight days before passing this 27 year-old new mother composed an email to her friends that was posted on the WBTV website.

By the end, I was crying. Why? Not because it was a sad story or even that she has passed. It moved me to realize some of the "huge" issues of my life, aren't so huge. In fact, I should consider them to be nothing.

Please, if you've never clicked a link on this blog before, click here. You must read the words of this amazing woman.

This link provides you information on remembering Melissa by contributing to a fund to help cover the medical expenses of herself and her young son.

And finally, go here to see a video tribute to her as seen on WBTV.

1 comment:

kenju said...

She is an inspiration to be sure. I am so sorry that she died, but apparently she had fulfilled her purpose here on earth. I am sad for Conor, who will never know his amazing mother.