Wednesday, April 18, 2007

All Things Witham--THE VIDEO AGE BEGINS......

I was able to begin posting YouTube videos tonight, after lots of looking and searching....

...UPDATE (Friday 4/20/07)---I have deleted the You Tube/NBC Nightly News Video. The killer's 15 minutes are up here. But it was justified. More above....


kenju said...

I don't think they should have put his video on the news. A copy of the written stuff should be made public, but putting the video on the news, where unsuspecting parents might have had children watching, was not a good idea. I watched part of it; it made me sick, and I don't want to see it again.

The school security should have locked down the campus after the first 2 shootings. But the main thing I think about was that they should have sent him home and reported him to authoroties after the poetry and creative writing he did.

Anonymous said...

Quite typical of the main stream media is the opportunity to gain a few viewers by having something like what fell into NBC's lap. I think it appalling that they thought it necessary to use the material to start with. Being "edited" for broadcast was a bunch of _____ in my opinion. How do you edit out the horror and disdain that was in this package. The families, friends, and colleagues of the slain heros did not need reminding of this senseless event, and especially the ranting and raving of a crazed lunatic who had no soul.

Having never attended Tech, I still consider myself a lifelong Hokie. My thoughts and prayers go out to all involved as I prayed at church last night. Our society is quietly and slowly descending into it's own form of hell. We NEED to wake up and realize it!!!!