Friday, May 13, 2016

Song #407: "Come Monday"--Jimmy Buffett (1974)

For all the "fun" and "party" songs that Jimmy Buffett is known for, my first memory of him was this song, which I first heard on WRVA back in 1974.

Then I heard it a lot more as this was one of my brother's BIG favorite songs back in the day. Ah, the days of recording a song off portable radio onto portable cassette recorders, my brother looking at me with the index finger over the hushed mouth, reminding the mouthy little brother not to say a word for the next 3:07.  :) :)

Those were GOOD times, and this is a great song from that wonderful era. More Jimmy to come as the countdown continues.

1 comment:

few said...

Even better was trying to keep the AM signal from fading in and out during the song!!!!! Ah, those really were the good old days.