Wednesday, February 14, 2007

GSN------I can't believe you did this to me!!!!!!

So, I have my TV on in the office for an hour, tuned to GSN for Password Plus and $100,000 Pyramid.

If I could pick one game show to have been on, it would have been Pyramid, without a doubt. The whole purpose of the game, especially the winners' circle, is tremendous. I'd put my headphones on and listen so the girls wouldn't be tortured.

So, $100,000 Pyramid is in their $100,000 Tournament, consisting of the three players who had won in the winners' circle in the quickest time over the past several months. The first of those three to win in the winners' circle this time gets $100K, and the tourney is over.

As of a week ago Friday, they had played 10 shows with two games each....and no one had made it to the top of the Pyramid yet.

So, Monday at 11:30, when I should see another two chances for someone to win it all, what does GSN do???



So, I don't know who eventually won the money. Yeah, I know it's a mid to late 80s show and I could surf online and find out, but THAT'S NOT THE POINT. You also cannot watch the drama of someone winning it all online either.

Why not schedule things so that the winning episode could have aired on that Friday, so that on Monday, people like me wouldn't have gotten VERY UPSET to see the program change.

There. I feel better. And I still love the ladies of Playmania. :)

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