Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Lesson in Learning Office Dialogue 101, or, how to survive seven minutes of American Idol

Okay, I live just outside Richmond. Elliott Yamin is from Richmond. One of the ladies in my office used to work with him.

Problem. I have never liked, nor watched Idol. The only time I would ever tune in would be the last five minutes of the last show of the season.

But this's different.

All three of the ladies who share the office with me (good ol' cubicles! They erected them so they wouldn't have to look at me all day. Can you blame them??) watch Idol, some more fanatically than others.

One watches. Another always watches but is intent this year because she knows Elliott. The last one didn't watch Idol until this year when she learned about Elliott and now can't miss two seconds of it.

Also, be advised that two of these three ladies will cry at anytime with complete ease....for example....when a Hallmark card commercial comes on TV......celebrating Arbor Day.

So, week after week goes by and on Wednesday morning I would hear about who sang and how well they were, plus their looks, the changes to their appearance, etc.

Thursday morning, I would hear the cries of disappointment for the one booted off the show (The Tribe Has Spoken??----oh, that's another show.) and excitement that, yes, Elliott survived to sing another day.

So, tonight, while still at the office, I turned to Idol to hear the announcement of who was going home (I think they get a knapsack full of Jello boxes, a Mr. Microphone, an autographed picture of Ted Mack, and a pair of shoes worn by Paula Abdul...). It was not Elliott.

So, I'm set for tomorrow morning. Not that I'll say a word, mind you, I carry no clout whatsoever concerning providing salient comments about the show.

But, at least I'll halfway understand what I'm listening to. And, as long as that Hallmark Arbor Day ad doesn't come on TV while they're talking, I won't cry. :)

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