Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Song #430: "I'm Goin' Down"--Bruce Springsteen (1984)

It's the Summer of 1984, I'm barely home to wash clothes from mid-June to the end of July, and, in the midst of all the good, and bad, craziness of Boys State, summer camp, Governor's School and my Dad's hospitalization and subsequent rehabilitation, I hadn't had the chance to grab Bruce Springsteen's now iconic "Born In The U.S.A." LP.

I finally did, and while radio was saturated with "Dancing In The Dark" (so was MTV with a certain "Friends" actress coming up on stage to dance with The Boss), I quickly fell for a few deeper cuts, one, which comes later, which was my favorite song from the LP long before it was finally released as a radio single in 1985.

But back to this song, a fantastic anthem of a person who has taken several punches, but, behind a driving saxophone (thanks Clarence!!), is ready to just look at his girlfriend and say "forget it".  :)

He just doesn't get around to doing it in this particular song. Maybe he waits for "Brilliant Disguise" three years later, a great song that just missed the cut.  :)

Enjoy the jam!

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