Saturday, July 14, 2007

Talking out of both ends of the thermostat...... you didn't know that unusually cold weather is ALSO caused by, of course, global warming.

Read this column from the Sunday Telegraph in Australia concerning record COLD temperatures throughout that nation last month. Enjoy the sarcasm, too. I did. :)

Then, look at the comments left by, first, Stephen Boone, then, by Jennifer Hor. I'm confused. Is cold weather meaningless? Was Katrina actually the first of a new set of "super-hurricanes"? Maybe it was so devastating because of man-made levees breaking down in New Orleans, and, because, it came so close to a major American city? Or, was Katrina among the biggest of all hurricanes, in terms of loss of life and damage, to have hit the U.S. mainland over the past 138 years, but cannot be called a "new shape of things to come", especially when 2006 followed 2005 with very little hurricane activity affecting the United States?

Or, is Jennifer right, that cold weather can also be proof of global warming?

Here's what I believe to be true:

--throughout its existence, the Earth has gone through climate changes, warming and cooling. These cycles last for centuries and are not a sudden onslaught.

--it's been warmer on this Earth than it is now, and the Earth continues.

--it's very presumptuous of humans to believe we have the power to destroy the planet because of factories, rush hour, and NASCAR.

--while at the same time realize the dinosaurs became extinct because of either a meteor strike or due to global climate changes even beyond their control (I don't think Joe Camel existed back then....)

--We humans actually have convinced ourselves that our behavior will cause such change to the planet that we will all die. No other creature has been successful in that "endeavor", so to speak; the Earth always wins.

--So, if global warming is true and the extinction of mankind is coming, at some point, let it be said it's been centuries in the making, as opposed to the "Smokestack Age".

I do find it ironic that global "warming" is considered the biggest threat ever to our survival; yet, as a believer in Christ, I already know that this Earth will one day be destroyed and we will celebrate eternal life with Christ on, as the Bible says, "the Earth made new".

Hell, on the other hand, isn't for ice cubes. Is that the ultimate, ironic climax of this historic, final bout with "global warming"?

AND FINALLY----my number one reason for this post:

If warming proves global warming and cooling proves global warming, then what's left to use as evidence for the "Ice Age"? Amana? GE?

In other words, how convenient that now extreme global warming advocates (of the idea, not the event) are using any climate change to prove their point.

It's hard to be debated when you claim all sides and all proof in an argument to be in your possession, proving your point. Sounds like a continuation of the "shut up" movement worldwide where scientists who have the evidence that we're being fed a line of bull are basically blackballed.

And now, if you'll excuse me; I need to check my thermostat. I'm not sweating at this moment, but if I keep exhaling carbon dioxide at my rate, I may get hot anytime now.

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