Saturday, July 07, 2007

Post Number 627-----Whoo hoo!!!!!!!

Why is Post Number #627 important to me?

It's my all-time favorite number.

Why, you ask?

When I was five, I had to spend five days at the hospital due to an allergic reaction to peanuts.

I stayed in room 627.

For five days, the nurses spoke of how cute I was (and I liked them, too!), I walked around the 6th floor over and over and over again counting (great way to learn numerical skills!), and I got lots of cards and my very own Mickey Mouse Watch!

I also remember, upon coming home, I found out my older brother and sister played Rook together during my absence, and I was none too happy about missing the games!

Until my deviated septum surgery in 2003 and shoulder surgery in 2004, that had been the only hospital stay I had had.

And, for some reason, the legacy of that first stay has always been that that's where I met my favorite number.....

LONG LIVE 627!!!!

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