Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Playing catch-up.....in snapshots...

Several thoughts that I haven't had the time to share.....

1) "24" wins----congratulations to Kiefer, the cast, producers, et al for their Emmy wins. I just wish the Prez and the First Lady would have won their Supporting Actor and Actress awards.

2) The Closer Finale----"3" on a one-ten scale. Wasn't what I was expecting. They certainly teased a cliffhanger, but there really was none. Not even in the top three this season. Good news----Brenda and crew return in December. We don't have to wait 'til next summer.

3) Labor Day----I saw, maybe 30 seconds of the Jerry Lewis MDA Telethon. When I was a kid, I'd try to watch all 21 1/2 hours without sleeping, and I'd fund-raise. Glad to see they got a record total of $61 million. Lewis just keeps on going, and I hope I see cures in my lifetime----but I REALLY want to see Jerry get to see them become reality.

4) 1990 vehicle headlights suck----don't have a "ding-dinger" in your vehicle reminding you your lights are on before you get out? One of our vans fall into that category. So, when I left them on during early dinner in Ashland yesterday, we end up with a dead battery. In the worst possible location. The parking lot of WAL-MART.

What did I do??? :)

5) Countdown to opening night broadcast; Patrick Henry vs Hanover, 705pm pre-game Friday night on WHAN (1430) in the greater Ashland Virginia area. Too bad we don't stream. That would rock!


FINALLY: My Super Bowl XLI picks...I'll stay with the ones I gave off the top of my head at our Fantasy Draft a few weeks back.

Carolina vs. Cincinnati

We'll see.

My teams:

Giants: 10-6, playoffs.
Raiders: 4-12, #3 pick in 2007

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