Monday, September 25, 2006

Bill Clinton....what a temper!

So, former President Clinton got closer to Bin Laden than anyone else.

He had him pinned in Tora Bora?

No, he did not, but let's be fair. President Bush's military plan to let the Afghans take the lead there was a HUGE mistake. In the days following 9/11, the political fallout from U.S. troops leading that battle would have been nothing compared to the current Iraq situation, which, as much as I have supported the effort, has become a seriously debacled situation.

But that's another entry.

Back to Anger you think Clinton is a bit defensive about his record on Bin Laden? He treats the 1993 World Trade Center bombing as a criminal offense, and I guess ignored the messages from terrorists saying they would be back to finish the job.

I wonder if Clinton would have spontaneously combusted had Wallace expanded the first question to terrorism in general, and not just ending up focusing on Bin Laden?

"No one knew Al-Qaeda existed." That's Bill Clinton talking about Somalia in 1993. But there were terrorists trying to destroy the World Trade Center that year.

Didn't have to be Al-Qaeda...any terrorist should have been on the radar.

A great follow-up question (which would never had been asked because Bill wouldn't stop bursting blood vessels), would have been, "So, if you had killed Bin Laden, would the terrorist threat to the U.S. been severely curtailed or even eliminated?"

He was so obsessed with Osama, he exposed the weaker reality.....

...he didn't do enough concerning terrorism threats against the U.S. and our interests in general.

Frankly, I wish Clinton would have stopped him. That would have been great. Instead, it's kinda sad to see him doing "legacy-building" by actually tearing it up due to his temper.

And what's the deal with the Richard Clarke book? Is it his Bible or something??

And, finally, if I were Chris Wallace, had he laid his finger on me one more time, I would have made sure he couldn't wag it for at least six months.

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