Friday, December 23, 2005

Looking for hot sex??

That's right, hot sex!!

Okay, the title is a "cheap pop".

The term "cheap pop" is taken from professional wrestling, where a wrestler, during his solioquy or interview will say something that he/she knows will get a big fan reaction. For example, mention how happy you are to be in "insert city here", and they'll react with delight.

So, I title this entry with the term "hot sex" for two reasons:

1) I want searchers for said category to find this blog entry.

2) So they'll click on the link above. One of my new favorite websites is The Marriage Bed. What a refreshing discovery, to find believers who don't mind sharing the fact that Christian marriages are not "boring", nor do they have to be. We can pray for another, help each other, and get good advice.

Remember, the word MARRIAGE is in the title for a reason. :)

So, if you haven't seen the site yet, click on "hot sex" above (Ha, a preacher advocating hot sex, I love it!!) and go to their message boards. They're great.

Good night!

PS---In an ironic twist of fate, I'm really tired, so.....I guess you know that means I won't put any knowledge from said website to good use on this evening....

...hee hee...

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