Monday, February 07, 2005

Catching Up....Looking Ahead....

I know, I know, I heard it from a co-worker today....

...."I looked for you on the blog last night...."

The ol' best laid plans of mice, men, and mannequins....

I end up in two meetings after church, get home late, and tired, take a nap, run Rachel to Awanas, then go to work and catch up on stuff during the first half, pick up Rachel from Awanas, get home during halftime and watch the second half from the couch, with no desire to get real analytical....

So, in review, are my favorite spots from last night:

Honorable Mention:

--Diet Pepsi: P Diddy's ride causes a new vehicle sensation. Who doesn't love the combination of monkeys and a whoopee cushion?
--Fed Ex: I didn't see this until this morning when a co-worker played it for me. Pretty good.
--Bud Light: USA Today's winner gets an HM, took early ad lead in pre-game show.
--Visa Check Card: ANYONE that gets UNDERDOG in a commercial gets props from me!!

Now the top 3:

3) Ameriquest: Mix a guy, dinner plans, a cat who won't listen, and spaghetti sauce, and what do you get? The missus lookin' at a Hitchock movie in her apartment!

2) Anheuser-Busch: How could you not be stirred by the troops coming through the airport? I heard a report on NBC News tonight where some are accusing them of "selling beer by using the troops". So, let me get this straight; no business in America can ever, ever say "Thank You" to the troops that keep us free so that they can freely run their business in the great land?? As Jack Bauer would say, "Shut up."

1) Ameriquest: "You're being robbed." When the clerk bashed the guy in the shoulder, I about died laughing. Easily the best hit in the Super Bowl since Terry Tate, Office Linebacker, clotheslined co-workers two years ago.

Congrats to the crew who created the Ameriquest spots----they ruled!


Oh, wait!

Give the Eagles credit for making it a game (I expected a blowout). It certainly really wasn't a "3 point game", though. And do the Eagles offense understand the meaning of the word urgency?? Four minutes left, down ten, take your time gettin' in the huddle guys.......

Well, Chuck Bednarik must be happy.....

We're now at 3pm on "24"....

A) Thank God for Edgar!!! Now, let's see Sarah sue CTU for all its worth, and a bag of chips. She's got a right to slap Erin right across the face.....but I suspect she's better than that, but we'll see.

B) When will Jack and Audrey lay eyes on each other again?

C) How long 'til Tony's "woman" is killed?

D) Still no answer to last week's trivia question, as all three Arazs are still alive and kicking (or bleeding if you're the wife...)

E) Ah, don't completely trust the Secretary of Defense's assistant, either. He couldn't figure out an AC Power line? Something's up......

F) Thank God again for Edgar!!!

Next week should be interesting. If Tony's hangin' out w/Jack (can't wait to hear Jack explain his appearance to Erin Driscoll), then Michelle can't be too far behind.


Quote of the week:

Jen: And what if he (her boss at work) doesn't believe me?
Audrey: I can have him killed.
Jen: Knock yourself out!

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