Tuesday, December 19, 2006

This is HILARIOUS----and NOT insulting!

Caught the end of a new "Monk" commercial on USA the other night. They have taken the early 90s rap song "Down with O.P.P" and turned it on its ear.

Are you down with O.C.D??

I can guarantee you there will be some people with O.C.D., some medical professionals, and some plain ol' fussbudgets out there who will get "insulted" by this "Monk-Mocking" of the disorder.

OCD has been a part of my life for, well, most of it. The real onset was at age 12, but I can remember things before that which, had people understood the disorder in the 1970's, would have signaled the "train coming down the track" as it were.

I LOVE the song. Click the above link at get down with OCD!!!!

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