Tuesday, January 24, 2006

"24" in review: Chloe rocks the house again!!!

Various thoughts on last night's good episode....

COOL! I want to ride on the side of a Ford SUV like Curtis does!!

WHAT?!? I couldn't believe they shuffled off the Jack was framed question that quickly. Hi Jack, we know you're innocent, here's a Level Two. Huh???

NO DUH: Like Diana couldn't see right through Audrey in, what, under two minutes, though I will give Audrey credit for a good conversation with Jack.

THE BUDDY SYSTEM: Jack to spend some time with Diana's son. Maybe they'll hit Friendly's for ice cream once the day is done...which would be...oh, tomorrow.

START THE CHANT: At work today, another huge "24" fan says, "When McGill comes into a scene, I start chanting, "Rudy! Rudy! Rudy!"".

CHLOE IS THE BOMB: It's official. Chloe is the best television character ever!! She reminds Edgar that he needs, well, a life, turns skewer in the room with Spencer and Buchanan; has the good sense to check the computer she just saw Spencer on, and gets in several award-winning looks.

Oh....and the quote of the night...."well, it really wasn't an apology, it was more like an observation..."

FIRST LADY ON THE LOOSE: So, if you saw a dazed Laura Bush running down the street, what would you do? After thanking God it wasn't Hillary you ran into....

Once I found Martha; I'd help her to a safe location, buy her some coffee, then suggest poison in the President's tea to our nation's current leadership misery. Logan, what a joke!

Well----we're looking now to the battle between Walt and Jack, which, based on the promo, will take some time to play out (wonder if Mike will get taken into custody, too?) This is the perfect time for Jack to call him out ("I'm NOT CTU.").

After all, it's high noon!!

One more question------who's the vice-president? We need some reassurance!!


Other news:

---a successful operation for a co-worker today, I'm happy to say. She'll hopefully be back in three or four weeks.

---I've already got my curling notes up on the bulletin board at work to prepare the masses for the best winter sport (other than hockey)....

---Have really been enjoying Match Game reruns on GSN at 11pm...that is, when I'm not trying to sleep. (AOL Keyword: Trying)

So, until such time as we meet again, hope springs eternal here. Why??

My wife is nuts about the "Gilmore Girls", but we don't have a WB affiliate in Richmond. So, this merger of WB and UPN to create CW means our current UPN station will probably go CW, and, with the network interested in taking the best of both networks and merge them, I suspect she might finally get to see Gilmore Girls! That is...if they have a new season come fall. :)

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