Thursday, June 23, 2016

Song #366: "65 Love Affair"--Paul Davis (1981)

Also known for his hits, "Sweet Life" and "Cool Night", Paul Davis makes an appearance on our countdown with this, another single from his "Cool Night" LP, which released in 1981.

The song's chart success actually occurred in 1982, peaking at #6 in April, as the Los Angeles Lakers and Edmonton Oilers were both beginning runs to the NBA Championship and Stanley Cup, respectively, and I was counting down the days to the end of ninth grade.

Davis is one of several vocalists of this era (late 1970's to mid 1980's) gone too soon, including Bob Welch from earlier this week, and one of my favorite artists, Gerry Rafferty. Davis passed of a heart attack a day after turning 60 years old.

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