Wednesday, February 22, 2006

I hope the Panama Canal didn't hurt Central Americans like this......

I had my first root canal today.

Novicaine and lots of gas. That was good.

I have a small mouth and the work was in the bottom left hand corner. That was bad.

Came home and slept the day away. That was good.

My jaw hurts and I can't eat on one side of my mouth for a week. That's bad.

So, it's not the tooth that hurts (yet), it's the stinkin' jaw.

What else is gonna hurt? Trying to go back to work after spending a Wednesday (albeit for a price) in bed.

But, that's much better than more jaw pain. :)

1 comment:

Scoot said...

have never had a root canal done but i know that my time is is the procedure really?is it tedious?