Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Ch-ch-changes, and quick tidbits....

1) The age of the Cougar is coming to a close. February 9, 2006 will go down as an important day in Witham Nation history.

2) The "conversion van" era is now underway. Long story (no pun intended), more to come as time allows.

3) Bill O'Reilly positions his show as an "opinion/interview" show. I don't see him being an "anchor" on something labeled a "newscast".

4) Go to and look at the TV main page......see how they describe Countdown with Keith Olbermann as "news without the snooze".

5) Therein lies the rub. Keith, call Countdown what it really is, an opinion/commentary show; one that's currently being hidden under the thin veil that is the term "newscast". You know, the same veil the big 3 networks have used for many years.

I don't care if you lean left, right, or unusually center, to the back, whatever...

....if you want to work your opinion/agenda into it, fine. But DON'T CALL IT A NEWSCAST!!

Those are the things with which I lose respect for people, entities, etc....simply because it's easy to see through that aforementioned veil.


Okay, now we're REALLY seeing the nutcase wing of the Islamic community. I mean, how long will they burn things and attempt to kill people and exact revenge before they can "get over" cartoons?

One march? Yes, but should be peaceful....Two? If it seemed the message didn't get across, I could understand.

But we're hitting double digits in the amount of days these extremists are going out and, let's face it, wreak the havoc they love to wreak in the name of "anger over something sacreligious".

Isn't it about time we began to ask serious journalistic questions, such as, "What's your end game?" or "Do you plan on doing this until the year 2065?"......

More to come. I have to hide the funny pages from my kids before going to bed. Peanuts and Beetle Bailey can be extremely offensive, causing me to rally for two years......

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