Tuesday, June 05, 2007

And now, another example of liberal "tolerance"....

....oh, and of course, a little use of the race card.

Fox News makes a big mistake. They apologized on-air, and DC Bureau Chief Brian Wilson calls the office of the person offended (and I would have been, too), offering to come and speak with the Congressman in person. His office never called back.

Instead, Michigan Democratic Rep. John Conyers decides this is the perfect opportunity to reject an apology and show some of that famous liberal tolerance.

Click here.

Now...when I get time, I'm going to do a 'Net search to see if Conyers went ballistic on CNN's Wolf Blitzer during Katrina coverage in 2005 when he said those trapped in New Orleans were...."...so poor and so black...".

Of course Wolf misspoke. Anyone with some common sense knows that. A young production assistant made a big mistake. I'm sure they're wondering about the fate of their career at this early, early moment in their adult life.

I guess Conyers doesn't watch "TV Bloopers" programs. Give me a break.

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