Friday, July 07, 2006

Ten Minutes Left......

....I'm walking to the van leaving work tonight after a couple of trying days and this thought came into my mind:

If you only had ten minutes left to tell the people closest to you whatever you wanted to or needed to, who would they be, and what would you tell them?

Remember, there will be some spontaneity to this, so some "ten minutes" will be on the phone, maybe some via videophone or IM. But, hopefully, you'll be face to face.

A partial list of who I'd go find:

--My two kids
--My two kids (now we can count them as two on this list....hee hee)
--My wife (duh!)
--My best friend, who puts up with me at work every day (and will get an extra jewel in her crown in heaven)
--My brother
--My high school sweetheart
--My childhood friend who grew up next door to me and plays fantasy football with me

...and the other three posts....I'll keep blank for now. I'm realizing quickly just how difficult this would be.

And, you can forget getting any details on what I'd say.

So, begin your choices, but take your time and think about it. Alot.

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