Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Obama, his pastor, his race, and Ashley.....

Senator Barack Obama made what some pundits thought had to be "the speech", to try to put the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, his pastor, and his extremely controversial pulpit rants found all over the media, "behind him", as behind him as possible, of course.

The entire transcript can be found here, so you can decide for yourself. I do urge you to read it, then make your own decisions. And the questions brought up by Obama's speech are deeper, more profound than, "will you disown Rev. Wright?"

I'll make one observation:

Ted Kennedy had Chappaquiddick.
Bill Clinton had Monica Lewinsky.

When history writes its chapter on today's Obama speech, I believe the following will be said

When history is written, Senator Obama won't be looking "vis-a-vis" at the two previous sentence.

Barack Obama will NOT have Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

Today Obama's superior oratory skill contained much, much more. Whether you agree with him or not, today, he brought substance. Period.


P.S.---I am a pastor. Do you honestly think every member, every parishoner in the church I pastored agreed with everything I said or preached??? Heck, no!!! No, I cannot compare my actions to Rev. Wright's (thank goodness!), but I can say that I understand it's perfectly plausible....expected honestly....for people to disagree with their minister!

Now, the REAL question: who gets the million dollar interview with Rev. Wright???


Anonymous said...

Ahmen! Great read. Thank you for commenting! I love your blog!

Kiley said...

Excellent post, and I think you have an incredibly great blog too...this is the first time I've noticed that you link me, and I am extremely flattered! I will likewise be linking you up and checking back often.

Take care,

Anonymous said...

Preachers will be preachers!Perhaps he was looking to be the official white house minister???