Thursday, March 20, 2008

I'm a sub! Quicker than I thought!!!

....I "officially" became a substitute teacher in my home county's school system yesterday, after completing their orientation.

A long-time friend is in administration at one school and told me with Spring Break next week, most teachers will be around afterwards, not having vacations or doc appointments scheduled, etc....except for the sicknesses, you know.

The phone rang at 7:52 this morning. It was my friend.

"Can you be here at 11:30?"

"When does the day end?" (I had a 3:15 doctors appt. across town)


"I'll be there."

...and I proceeded to nervously attempt to nap for a couple of hours, even dreaming of being at a school which was connected to a local record store (as in next door to each other, and when I picked up some checks from an employee thinking they were the school's, come to find out after walking out the door, they were for the record store, and that's when I woke up....)

Go figure!

Three hours with 20, 21 fourth-graders. I got everything from:

"You sweat alot!"
"You sound like you worked in the circus!"
"You sound like a voice that should be on a computer!"


1) the usual one kid attempting to "fall ill" around test time (who magically felt great 45 minutes later upon time for recess to commence). :)

2) the several who attempt to tell you in their spin how their teacher would handle everything (politicians start young!)

....and overall it went fine!

Though, after only three hours with them, I WAS BEAT!!

NOTE TO SELF: Wait until you spend ALL day with a group of them!!! Hee hee......

New adventure! We're off and running! Now, I wonder if the phone will ring tomorrow.......


Anonymous said...

Lois Allen would be proud of you.

My hat is of to you

Good Luck Brother!!!!

Anonymous said...

It's about time you supported your family. Stop being a loser.

Anonymous said...

I'm a substitute teacher as well and I love it! You'll probably find certain grades that you feel more comfortable in. Kindergarten was the hardest for me to get acclimated to. Good luck to you!!