Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Muslims, Christians, Apostasy, Death Threats, and the British MSM.....

....the church I pastored supports a missionary family whose work has been/is to evangelize to Muslims in and around London, England.

Doesn't sound too tough when you think of the stereotypical "missionary" picture that comes to your mind. You know, jungles, dirty bare feet, strange people with piercings speaking a language no one knows, and you, the missionary, enjoy life in a hut.

Think again.

It's not the clothes or the shelter that often determine a degree of "difficulty", to the human eye at least, when it comes to the life of a missionary family.

I know that for my friends in England, 9/11 changed their entire lives, ministry focus, purpose, reactions.....everything.

So, when you read THIS article, note how the tide of "theocracy thought" amongst younger British Muslims is rising. Many believe, don't throw the book (secular laws) at them, throw the Quran. And they DON'T live in a country run by a "religious" faction, et al.

But note even moreso, how HORRIBLE the persecution is on those who choose to believe Christ, leaving their Muslim faith behind.

I know if one of my kids ever came to me and announced they were converting away from Christianity, I would be wounded to the core, but I would LOVE them, and BE with them, and, least of all....I wouldn't try to KILL them!!

And I add my thanks to the British media for finally showing their countrymen how some of their own wish to discard the government and begin to rule Britain in a totally different light.

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