Monday, February 11, 2008


One of the most irrelevant phrases in 20th Century Virginia political history was:

"The Virginia Presidential Primary"

Its needlessness continued into 2004, but......WHAT? COULD IT BE???

The Virginia Presidential Primary will actually MATTER when we go to the polls tomorrow! WE FINALLY MATTER!! HEY VIRGINIANS! GROUP HUG!!!!

So, what do I hear beginning late last Tuesday night as Super Tuesday finally came to a close??

"Next week is the Potomac Primary!"

WHAT??!!?? THE WHAT??!!??

So, suddenly, the name "Virginia" had been replaced with a nearby body of water. Later on, we are renamed the Chespeake Primary.

Potomac. Chesapeake.

I know some PR lackey in a backroom at some network or blog thought he/she was BRILLIANT coming up with this "title". Except for one little problem.....

I can't speak for those in D.C. and Maryland, but I am INSULTED by having my commonwealth's FINALLY MEANINGFUL Presidential primary be called by something other than the word "Virginia".

So, a message I sent to Anderson Cooper on his blog tonight now goes to the whole media, as if they care about me. :)

"POTOMAC TUESDAY". That's a cool title! Then you have to tell everyone where the primaries are located! For God's sake, you guys assume everyone in Nebraska, Indiana, Wyoming, and San Francisco already know what "Potomac" or "Chespeake" even means in this context!!!

"POTOMAC TUESDAY". Is it too late to change the graphics for tomorrow's coverage?

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