Saturday, September 15, 2007

"God told me to...."---the drinking game!

Turn on many Christian TV programs tonight and you'll hear preachers, pundits, and others say the following (or words to this effect):

"God spoke to me...."
"The Lord said to me...."
"God told me to...."

Sometimes it's absolutely true, and praise God for that!! Other times though, it's brutally sad to see someone wrap their love for themselves, their fame, their power in the Christian community to make people believe they are constantly listening for the "voice of God".

How do you know the difference?

1) The Holy Spirit can show you; if you are in tune with Him;
2) listen to the context of which it's placed.

When the context is wrong, grab a Mountain Dew, put some in the shot glass, and take a drink!

Trust me, you won't get drunk, you won't act like you've been afflicted with "holy laughter", but you will have to go to the potty, probably more than once before going night-night.

THEN.....tomorrow night, choose, say, Coke instead, but use the term....

"Sow a seed...."

I promise you, you'll have a two-liter downed in many small quantities in under an hour. And yes, channel changing is allowed in order to search for said quotes.

Because they're all over the airwaves. Too bad more are used for earthly gain than for heavenly matters.

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