Friday, November 07, 2008

"Billy Graham Doesn't..." What??

Note to author: Who you pray "for" is more important than who you pray "with".

How dare you insinuate this about Billy Graham.


Bookstore Piet said...

Don't really see how that poem offends you so much. From an author who is an atheist it seems more tribute than accusation.

Anonymous said...

Another typical post from a website notorious for its extreme hate material and thrives on its ignorance and sick ideology. It is ashame that sites like this are allowed to spread their idiotic propaganda all in the name of "freedom of speech". I never thought I would live to see the day when America accepted and even encouraged hate language and crap like what the Kos and other extreme left wing sites put out for us to view. All because they have the "right" to their opinion, regardless of how sick, distasteful, and downright WRONG it is. But America is indeed the land of opportunity and freedom. Nut bags like these left wing morons who only want to cause problems in an already volitale time are always chomping at the bit to spread their crap to anyone that will read, listen, and accept it.

The poem may indeed not be offensive, considering the author, but what is very offensive are the people who have nothing better to do than tear down the sound morals and values of our country with this sick rhetoric that they put out. No wonder we have become so weak as a people and a government. Our leaders tend to look the other way when it comes to what is right and what is wrong! This is true of all political parties, so no favoritism here! No one wants to stand up against these morons for the fear of being ostracized and considered an ultra conservative Bible thumper.

If our founding fathers could only see what their nation has grown up to become. I'm pretty sure that George, Ben, Thomas, and John never intended for America to turn into the sap it is today. My hope is that someone, whether it be Obama or whoever, comes along and sees just what a real mess we are in, and will have the guts to fight for what is right in this country and make America indeed the Home of the Brave and the Land of the Free once again! But that will take a lot of work on everybody's part.

As in the words of my favorite Chicago tune.... "The world is turning round, and losing lots of groud, oh Harry is there something we can do to save the land we love?"