Monday, August 17, 2009

New Meaning To Term "Political Pundit Works Poll".....

Monica Crowley and Mika Brzezinski Ready to "Work the Poll"

Former FishbowlNYer Ron Mwangaguhunga was listening to "The Joe Scarborough Show" on radio this morning and caught an offer from Monica Crowley that Mika Brzezinski might not be able to refuse.

Last week Ed Norwick, general manager of SCORES, offered Mika Brzezinski $10,000 -- to be given to a children's charity -- to try out at Scores West. Norwick was on the show to discuss the much-discussed Miley Cyrus pole dancing routine at the Teen Choice Awards. Brzezinski, a suburban mother, said no. Joe Scarborough has pressed the issue, saying that it would be "for the children."
This morning former Nixon foreign policy aide [and MSNBC show host] Monica Crowley appeared on the Scarborough radio show and made an offer. If Mika Brzezinski took up the challenge, she agreed to "work the pole" with the MSNBC host.

ROB'S NOTE---I must admit to the world that, if given the chance, Monica Crowley's performance would be one I wouldn't mind seeing.

There. I said it. Let the flogging begin. :)

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