Thursday, August 20, 2009

Giving new meaning to "missing a 'head' line".....

This post isn't about the 2nd Amendment, or about those who, for whatever reason, choose to show up outside Presidential appearances packing heat.

It is, however, about a "news organization" conveniently editing a very important portion of a story concerning the above subjects so as not to allow the facts to get in the way of their agenda.

MSNBC's logic is:

1) President is black.
2) Man shows up outside Presidential appearance with rifle and gun.
3) Man says he did it, "because he can".
4) Man is racist.

But, notice in the video clip, MSNBC only shows you the middle of the man packing heat, then switches to video of AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT PERSON being interviewed by someone.

That someone with all the bullets? He's black.

Click on the blog title.

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