Monday, August 10, 2009

Five Years---1,006 Posts.......


Five years ago today, I started All Things Witham. This is post #1,006. Five years, around 200 posts a year.

SO much has happened. SO much has changed. Pardon me while I ramble.

1) I spend most of my "social online" time now on Facebook, so I am not the rabid blogger I used to be. I also split my blogging time now between three blogs.

2) I have SO enjoyed being able to have a tiny sliver of a lectern in the social media universe. I'm not leaving anytime soon.

3) This blog has always been about everything that has to do with The Withams. Lately a lot of my posts have been political in nature. I can't help it. What's happening in our nation right now is so scary. I must speak out. I appreciate those who comment on the posts, no matter what your political persuasion.


--I worked at Clear Channel/I'm a member of the Facebook group "I Was Fired By Clear Channel".

--My kids were going into the 7th and 2nd grades, respectively./Now I have Robbie's Senior Portraits and Rachel is going into the 7th grade.

--I was married./Still am.

--I was overweight./Still am. :(

--I had sleep apnea./Still do, and now am a Type II Diabetic.

--I was depressed./Not so much anymore! :)

--I was pastoring a church./I'm in year #4 of a sabbatical. It could go on 'til eternity.

--I loved "24"./Some things never change. :)

Tropical Storm Gaston, Bush/Kerry, Jib Jab, Patrick Henry Football, Big Brother, wrestling, "24" live blogging, New Years Eve blogging, fantasy football, Final Four picks, photos, vacation reports, job upheaval, current events thoughts, and the best of my kids. Just to name a very few highlights of five years of ATW.

Thanks for stopping by, once, or multiple times. I'll be back. Hope you will be, too. :)

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