Sunday, May 31, 2009

questions while thinking out loud......

1) As of tomorrow morning, the Federal Government will become the majority owner of two of the "Big Three" automakers. Now you know why Ford rejected bailout money and chose to go its own way. I've heard the Government's involvement in GM ownership could be, at a minimum, five years. I thought the President said he didn't have time to run car companies.

2) The liberals and Dems used to scream to high heaven when President Bush went to Crawford, Texas. You know....."HOW DARE HE take a vacation when our troops are in harm's way!!!"

But apparently it's okay by them for President Obama to golf on Memorial Day (after the Arlington ceremony), then spend five figures in taxpayer money to "take Michelle on a date" to the Big Apple last night.

3) Companies continue to file for bankruptcy, and the monthly unemployment rate continues to climb and climb, with some experts expecting it to top 10% before the worst is over in this recession.

--When's the stimulus package gonna kick in??
--When does Obama begin to accept blame for rising unemployment rates, rather than saying they were "inherited"?
--When Joe Blow's road work job, provided for by stimulus money, is done and there's no more stimulus money, where does Joe Blow report for work the following Monday?

4) Why does the world care as much about Susan Boyle as they do Kim Jong-Il?

5) President Obama said he would meet with the President of Iran with no preconditions. Now said Iranian President wants to debate Obama at the UN. Was this Obama's idea during the campaign, or did the bearded guy get another one over on him politically?

6) Would anyone in the world watch Hugo Chavez on a four-day TV-thon if you, well, weren't forced to by his minions?

7) The Detroit Red Wings-----are they man or machine? Aren't half their players over 50 already? And they're still winning??

8) Me thinks Lebron James thought he was on cruise control to an NBA title. After losing last night, his season over, he left the arena in Orlando without going to the post-game press conference and without shaking hands with the Magic on the court after the game. Poor sportsmanship. Hopefully he will learn from this, because me also thinks he'll be close to another title shot again soon.

9) My Denver Nuggets and Carolina Hurricanes both fell a series short of their goals of the NBA and Stanley Cup Finals, respectively. My hats off to them, though, as the Nuggets hadn't been that deep in the NBA playoffs in 24 years and the Hurricanes had a coaching change in mid-season and didn't look like a playoff team.

10) Oh, and they're FINALLY playing the feud in the Stanley Cup Final!!!

Good night. :)


  1. Sunny1:42 PM

    Hey Rob,
    I ended up on your blog because of my google alert for the Carolina Hurricanes; what caught my attention is that you're also a Denver Nuggets fan. My brother & his wife, who live in Denver, flew here to Raleigh last Sauturday for Game 3 of the ECF to see the Canes, then flew home Monday & went to the Nuggets game that night!! Although the Nuggets lost their series too at least they got to see a win in that one.
    Well, this is probably the most random comment you've ever gotten! But I thought it was kinda cool & unusual finding another Canes & Nuggets fan!

    Take care :-)
    Raleigh NC

  2. Awesome, Sunny! I'M VERY JEALOUS!!

    Thanks for stopping by!


  3. frank7:09 AM

    Actually, Detroit is a fairly young team when many kids poised to take over after Lidstrom, Holmstrom, and Maltby decide to give it up!

    Franzen, Daksuik, Cleary, and others are just as able ro carry the cup as anyone.....cept the Pens!
