Thursday, June 04, 2009

That great thumping sound you heard underneath your feet early this morning.....

Was our 44th President pounding away again at America's foundation and greatness.

Click the title to read Monica Crowley's latest blog entry that focuses on the one statement the President made today that really stood out with me.

It's so nice to know our President doesn't think we're any better than the British, or the Mexicans, or the Iranians, or the........


  1. Karen3:15 PM

    Well now you know how liberals
    felt for the last 8 years. Learn to love your frustration like a good American. It is the bittersweet essense of democracy at work.

  2. I didn't realize liberals spent eight years worried about America becoming part of a new world order where our President wouldn't even proclaim the greatness of our country.

    After what Obama said, why don't we just start erasing all the lines on the globe?

    No, Karen; this is not whatever it was you experienced for 8 years. This is an American President abdicating his power to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States". I invite you to remember the definition of "preserve". You know, "KEEP". As opposed to "throwing it away" in an Obama world order where his open hand will magically cause all "clenched fists" around the world to open in response.

    Good Lord.

  3. frank8:21 PM

    Liberals have feelings????
