Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Clear Channel, Bless Their Hearts.......

I wonder if they'll let any of the 2,500 EMPLOYEES THEY FIRED IN 2009 ALONE take advantage of this opportunity.

Not to mention the thousands like me in years and years before that, regardless of the "economic climate" of the time.


Clear Channel gives unemployed listeners in 21 markets a chance to find a job using radio

It’s a reality show that’s all too real in this economy – each station will pick five entrants a week, who will then record a quick :30 resume for airing within a station-produced spot. Potential employers can then follow up and check details on the station website. CC Radio president John Hogan says “We realize this is a difficult time for many individuals and families…radio is all about community and serves as the perfect platform to connect job seekers with employers.” The 21 participating stations include an urban AC in Detroit, WMXD (92.3), a talk station in Sacramento, KFBK (1530) and a rock station in Youngstown, WNCD (93.3).


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This is what this country has come to: take care of everybody else but your own first. Our finest corporations show us how.

    The ones who must really be feeling it are Clear Channel's survivors. They're doing their jobs plus the jobs of laid off colleagues. They went through the agony of saying goodbye to people they liked working with, and now see Clear Channel becoming a recruiter for everybody else. Companies then wonder why nobody is loyal any more.
