Monday, July 21, 2008

Lots to mention, part one......

I know I'm in the minority, but Billy Packer deserves a better send-off than this.

1) If he was as deplorable as the blogosphere said he was, how did he last 34 years? At the top of his profession?

2) As for the "it's over" declaration during the Kansas/UNC game, what everyone fails to mention is......HE WAS RIGHT. UNC didn't come back, Kansas disappeared. Once they woke up, the Heels were back to being the 'Hawks punching bag.

3) I have a feeling many of the people hooting the loudest over this announcement probably don't remember the team of Jim Thacker and Billy Packer calling ACC Basketball in the 1970s, or his teaming with Dick Enberg and Al McGuire to make the best three-man announcing team in TV sports history. I know, I hear you...."I didn't grow up in ACC Country!!". Sorry for you! :)

I salute Billy on a great career, and, except for some regional work with the ACC, I suspect he's done. He seems like the kinda guy that closes a door and moves on.

Kinda like that quarterback kid from Mississippi.

Oh, sorry.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Wonder if he invested in Pilot Life????
