Wednesday, July 23, 2008

LIVE BLOGGING: Big Brother 10, Eviction II

Day 16, and it's either a Catholic schoolteacher or a gay rodeo champion who'll leave the Big Brother house in this hour. Only on Big Brother......

805pm---Heard "kick Jerry out" for the first time (Libra)

Dan and Steven take way different routes to "convince" the houseguests. Steven lobbies, while Dan is continuing to lay as low as possible.

809pm---Well, Keesha, Libra, April, Kukla, Fran, and Ollie are faced with an interesting scenario. They think maybe they've been "boxed" in by others. Didn't see those thoughts coming.

On day one, I never would have seen Michelle lowering herself for Jessie. But I digress......

Hey! Angie's sitting on the couch! What else is new?!?

811pm---Memphis mentions "the alliance" and "a huge upper hand"....not knowing the others are figuring them out.

813pm---RACHEL caught it! Keesha is wearing Steven's hat in the diary room. Well, we know there won't be a 4th couple if Steven survives......

Welcome to commercial break.

BREAK ONE RANDOM THOUGHTS: I hope we get some rain overnight, we need it!......pray for the people in South Padre Island, Texas who've had to endure hour after hour after hour of heavy rain and LOTS OF WIND today......

817pm---Jerry sticks up for his right to compete, though he won't be winning any bodybuilding competitions against Jessie anytime soon.

818pm---Libra was truthful, then when Julie brings back the "age" part of the question, she begins to backpedal.

821pm---We're bringing in the families in the "Jessie/Rennie" feud!! Next thing you know, Richard Dawson will make a guest appearance in the house!!

....oh, and by the way, Jessie is ALL about Jessie.

823pm---Is there a "WOOOO" light above the "APPLAUSE" light in front of the BB house?

BREAK TWO RANDOM THOUGHTS: I am so glad to hear my son does NOT want to go see the Pixar-like Star Wars Clone Wars yadda yadda brother and I have a live fantasy football draft Saturday night and I have yet to do any studying. Nothing new there! Go with the gut, baby! BTW, we have a guy at work who actually did NOT KNOW about fantasy football until a conversation we had a couple of weeks ago.

Now there are only eight people left in North America who don't know about fantasy football. :)

826pm---Jessie in his room to speak his mind. Does he have one? Sorry.

Ut oh, time to vote!! We hear from Dan first in the "last gasp", gives a pretty good speech. BUT DO NOT EVER TELL JULIE CHEN SHE LOOKS GREAT!!! She is MARRIED TO THE BIGGEST BOSS OF ALL! Then, Steven....what an "inside" speech! Double entendre to the max. Well, at least they understood it. Julie was stunned.

Memphis forgot how to say "I vote to evict....", so he must think Julie is stunning, too. :)

831pm---The vote is 4-nil at the break.

BREAK THREE RANDOM THOUGHTS: Can't wait for "Stepbrothers" to open Friday in theatres nationwide, and promptly close on Saturday. Good Lord, what a waste of cinema. The money spent to make that crap should have been donated to aid the crisis in Darfur!!!

Am I doing alot of complaining tonight? Sorry.....must be the unacceptable temperature condition here in the Big Witham House. It's not under 70 degrees!!

834pm---Libra seals the fate! Steven leaves the BB house in just moments. The first two votes have been very decisive.

836pm---SMART MOVE by Keesha to vote for Steven, lest she be the "Dan" of this past week (be the only one to vote for someone and pay for least Dan didn't pay the ultimate price.)

A quiet goodbye from Steven, and then there were 11.

838pm---Big Brother beats the bull!!! 24/7 versus eight seconds. I don't think Steven could have lasted much longer no matter what. He's shaky.

The goodbye messages were cool, especially Dan. Good job, Dan. We shouldn't label. "You're not gay Steven." Good call.

BREAK FOUR RANDOM NOTES: Wifey speaking to her Dad on the phone and gives him cat claws when he asks if our trampoline "can hold her". Remember, she's down over 70 pounds. Only makes her quicker to the punch. I oughta know. :) :)

BTW----not to be negative, BUT I HOPE the first show cancelled this fall is "The Mentalist". I'm SICK of the commercials. Bring back "The Tudors", or as we called them, "The Putins"! That's for another post.

845pm---OH NO!! It's the "HUGE BIG BROTHER ALIEN OF GREEN-NESS!!" Rennie was HILARIOUS! April, then Jessie, and now Rennie. Next?

848pm---The "Alien Abduction" begins.

Goodbye, April.
Goodbye, Rennie. (Rats)
Goodbye, Angie. (double rats!!)
Goodbye, Jerry.
Goodbye, Michelle.
Goodbye, Dan.
Goodbye, Memphis.
Goodbye, Ollie.

Keesha or Libra?

KEESHA, MY FRIENDS!!! Rachel and wifey applaud happily. Libra remembers to act happy and congratulate her, albeit on a four-second delay.

BREAK FIVE, AND FINAL, RANDOM THOUGHTS: When you take a second look at a woman on TV that's definitely in her 50s.....what does that say about me?

It says I'm simply maturing. YES!!!

855pm---What would Julie do without the cord and "thumb-puncher"?

FINAL THOUGHT: Oh, Julie, technically, Keesha isn't the first lady to reach the HoH Bedroom. Just ask Michelle.


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