Friday, July 11, 2008

Some tweaks to the ol' blog here......

.....certainly nothing of worldwide importance. Some new, or should I say updated and better-worded bio information. I found today doing searches that another Rob Witham is now more prominently featured in results.

That's fine; he and his content seem to be great, so props come from here. But I want to make sure, especially on the Rob Witham Media business side, that I'm getting some good placement. Time for a crash course on SEO. :)

The new tagline up top and new version of my profile I think better reflect what's going on with us right now, and more a synopsis of "us" rather than "that which we speak of". Duh, I should promote our voices by, ah, blog posts! :)

I want to do at least one "live blog" event this weekend, but I'm not announcing it yet, knowing that lately my blog plans have fallen victim to my exhaustion. I will say this much, hope to talk to you Sunday night. :)

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