Tuesday, December 25, 2007

For Christmas, I got....I got....I got a....I got a refrigerator?!??

My Christmas list this year was one request deep:

A Moody Blues DVD....

I was blessed with two! Yes, two!

One from bro and sis-in-law, and one from the fam this morning. :)

But THEN.......

Sliding over toward me is a LARGE package. Heh? I didn't ask for anything that would be THIS size!

And what did Dad get?


A refrigerator??!!??

Yep. Apparently I chose door number two on Let's Make A Deal. :)

My immediate thought was this would be for me to put, well, wherever I may end up employed (SOON, I HOPE), in an office, as wifey had asked me if I wanted one at my old job, lessening the chances my food/drink would be stolen from the communal refrigerator, which, of course, got pretty nasty over time.....

But, no. I was quickly informed this itty bitty fridge is for.....

the bedroom.

Yep. The bedroom. Why? So I don't have a stumble at 3am down the hall, and, honestly, since I sometimes get "stuck" in bed (like yesterday when I pretty much slept all day) I don't come out of the room to be shocked at the sight of, like, members of wifey's family or something.

Sounds fine to me.....unless it cost alot!!!!

So, I guess the moral of this story is, "now Rob can chill out while watching the Moody Blues!"

Heh. Sorry, that was lame.

And did YOU get a surprise for Christmas??

1 comment:

Zephra said...

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoy Christmas.