Thursday, April 09, 2009

Obama realizes what he criticized was necessary, example no.#.........

.....oh, I've lost count.

Let's see.

"Bush started the stimulus spending!!"---That gives Obama permission to spend, now in the trillions.

"These are the LAST EARMARKS."---We heard that from Pelosi, Obama, & Co. a few weeks ago. Yeah, right.

And now?

The President is asking for $83 billion dollars for war funding.

You know, that evil "it's not in the budget" spending for the "War Formerly Known As The War On Terror".


Well, let's read shall we? Today's "response to why are we doing what Bush did" is from the usual suspect, Press Secretary Robert Gibbs. Emphasis mine.

"Robert Gibbs, the White House press secretary, acknowledged that Obama has been critical of Bush's use of similar special legislation to pay for the wars. He said it was needed this time because the money will be required by summer, before Congress is likely to complete its normal appropriations process.

"This will be the last supplemental for Iraq and Afghanistan. The process by which this has been funded over the course of the past many years, the president has discussed and will change," Gibbs said.

Last June, Congress approved $66 billion in advance 2009 funding for military operations. All told, the Pentagon would receive $142 billion in war funding for the budget year ending on Sept. 30."


So, to repeat....

1) Bush did stimulus, so Obama does MORE! You know, "the Republicans forget they left us a trillion dollar debt" line? So let's just throw four trillion on top of it. Gee, can I go to Nordstrom's and spend like that?? Wouldn't I be helping the economy? Then I could just ask for a bailout.....

2) EARMARKS MUST STOP!--------Except for these few final ones......

and now:


Shh! Except for this $83 billion.


MY POINT: I'm sure the military needs the $83 billion, but I just can't help but laugh at Robert Gibbs defending a policy his boss attacked a gazillion times during the campaign and since becoming President.

What's next?


  1. Anonymous5:00 PM

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