Monday, April 06, 2009

Horrible Monday sitting at the porcelain god.......

I hadn't thrown up in seven years, until around 4:13am this morning.


Horrible night, horrible day. I just ate some toast and am hoping that sticks so I can take my night-time medicine.

Gotta, gotta, gotta be at work tomorrow somehow, someway!! Unless I'm a carrier of a bug, then I am SURE they won't want me to make my re-appearance.

Your prayers are appreciated.

The TV is on right now. I told Bonnie, I might see the NCAA title game, I may not (and anyone who knows me knows how much I LOVE MARCH MADNESS), I may see "24", I may have to catch up on this episode later this week at Hulu.

You know I feel bad. :( :(


Having said all that, I do think two things:

1) Michigan State is a team of destiny and will find a way to beat North Carolina tonight.

2) Someone will find the antedote to whatever "incurable" condition Jack now finds himself in after being exposed to the chemical weapon two "24" episodes ago.

Good night!

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