Wednesday, January 21, 2009

We Should Also Pick Up After Ourselves

Of all people, I thought the Obama-nation, complete with their impeccable concern for "mother earth", would be the last group of people to, well, trash the place.

Click the blog title above!
OH, and P.S.----President Obama needs to lead the nation in a basic course in civics. Lesson one:



  1. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Guess Obama got a little "trashed" after all!

  2. Anonymous9:32 AM

    It is a shame how much trash can be generated by 2 million people. But you really seem very bitter, choosing to blog about inauguration costs and trash instead of the real issues. Regardless of political party, this country just elected it's first African-American president. Isn't that something to be proud of? Many people are very excited and optimistic about his ideas, why not wait to see the results of his policies before you "trash" him and those who support him?

  3. Dear Anonymous:

    Had you taken time to read more of my blog than a selected entry, then make a quick, rash decision on my feelings on many important areas of life, you would find that I, indeed, am very proud that our nation finally saw past its long history of racism and other forms of prejudice, to elect an African-American President.

    I was impressed with him from early on in the primary season, as noted on this blog around a year ago. President Obama is extremely intelligent, politically savvy, and hopefully will replace people like Jay-Z and Young Jeezy as the role model of choice for the African American (and heck, the white, too!) male population.

    What you don't want to see is that my commentaries are color blind. I could care less if Obama was green, his political ideas are diametrically opposed to mine and when I believe his policies may undermine our nation, I, as a citizen, have the right to raise my voice in opposition.

    But the Daily Kos, Huffington Post, and other ultra-libs of the world have automatically decreed that any and all disagreement with or criticism towards a position of President Obama's proves that I am a racist.

    But I digress. My trash commentary was about the PEOPLE, not the President. The people who claim to be from the party of loving the earth, raising the alarm concerning the calamity of global warming, and telling us we cannot drill for one drop of oil lest we ruin something they have deemed to be pristine.

    I just thought people with those high ideals would be consistent in their actions and throw away their trash. And if the cans were full, how about forming a group to help the D.C. sanitation department get extra bags or something.....

    When I go to an event, I try to make sure my seating area is as clean or cleaner than it was upon my arrival. Only takes a minute.

    So thus, I'm not trashing him, sir or madam....but since your comment is typical of the new talking point of the next four years to the voice of anything that could be even hinted in one's mind as dissent against our new President, I'm resigned to just getting used to hearing the same old, same old over and over again.

    By the way, do you know what to do with an American flag if you don't want it any longer?
