Friday, January 23, 2009

Al Qaeda 1, Guantanamo 0??

Well, apparently it's not just the town drunk, the drug dealer, or the federal racketeer that seem to find themselves back in their same line of work after being jailed.

Now we hear of a Guantanamo detainee, released last year into a Saudi "rehab" program, who has returned to his love of planning to kill innocent infidels.

Wonder if he graduated that rehab course "Magna go boom" or "Summa go boom"?

And now with the liberals' countdown clock to the closing of Gitmo underway, it does beg the question of how we might be able to help the Saudis (and the Yemeni officials, too) do a little bit better job in that "rehabilitation" process.

Or, BETTER YET, just send them to John Murtha's Congressional District in Pennsylvania! Apparently he can't wait to house the soon-to-be ex-Gitmos.

He could teach them ABSCAM while he's at it, too!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:11 PM

    I'm sure that our president's popularity has certainly increased with our raghead pals who enjoy the thoughts of taking out more western "imperialist Dogs" to promote their agenda.

    What Obama does not realize, or even bothers to think about is that these "prisoners" have no intention of seeking rehab, going back to the camel farm, or anything else other then further retribution at the cost of more innocent lives.

    And as for torture? #@$#@ right torture the bastards til they can't take no more! It makes me sick to think that Americans support left wing idiots that figure torture accomplishes nothing. It has been used forever, and listen carefully loons, it will still be used.
