Thursday, November 06, 2008

Olbermann equals "Obama-bot"

As the kids type today......"OMG!!!!"

This is TOO funny.......

Keith Olbermann is now using this question to lead his sheep....ah viewers into that new spiritual realm of "change" that he and so many of his friends desperately yearned for during the Presidential campaign.........

"What do we do now?"

Keith, you, ah, don't know? Two quick points to help you, Mr. Sheepherder:

1) There have been dozens of prior transitional periods between outgoing and incoming Presidents where you can learn the basics of what needs to be done and how our nation's wonderfully seamless transitional tradition has developed and proven how incredible this nation truly is.

2) Ah, you voted for Obama (don't tell me otherwise); you've been singing his praises, begging the world to vote him in as savior, while personally attempting to tear apart people who get in your way. Of ALL people I see on TV.........YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOUR MAN, YOUR CANDIDATE, YOUR PRESIDENT-ELECT IS GOING TO DO???????

Well, I guess that's what happens when America elects a President that offers a one-word mantra, and not a heckuva lot else.

This reminds me of Robert DeNiro's strangest movie role ever......."Fearless Leader" in "Rocky and Bullwinkle".

It's a wonder Olbermann didn't end up sounding like the minions in that movie once RBTV had put all Americans into the "trance with a directive".....

"We will vote for Fearless Leader....."


  1. Greetings, Mr. Witham:

    At the risk of engaging in some kind of non-productive firefight with someone I don't really know, I just want to correct your record about what Mr. Olbermann is speaking of.

    He is making reference to the 1972 political film, Michael Ritchie's "The Candidate," in which Robert Redford convincingly plays a vibrant young candidate whose ideals are twiated and turned on the punishing road to high office, across bridges built of compromises.

    Toward the end of the film, on the verge of his U.S. Senate election, and just ahead of a clamoring crowed, he hustles his campaign director into a hotel room and asks, "What do we do now?"

    The film is more about the absurdities of running for high public office, and how any candidate is a cipher into which the public project their expectations which he/she then cannot possibly meet. At least not for all of them, all of the time.

    As Olbermann uses the phrase, it is through a sense of facetiousness. It isn't that Obama doesn't know what he must do, but that considering all that confronts the nation at this juncture, what priorities will go to the top.

    No matter what happens, whether the trends existed before he showed up, Obama is going to get blamed. For everything. The weather, you name it. Such is the pathetic shambling wreck that is the practice of politics.

    I'm watching Rachel Maddow more these days, anyway.

    Carry on.

  2. Anonymous7:28 PM

    It made NO difference who would have won this election. The newly elected will face nothing but ridicule and turmoil. America just ain't what she once was. We have NO desire to work together for the betterment of the country. I sure hope that "there" is a good place to end up!
