Thursday, November 06, 2008

The Left has not "Left" those talking points.....

WOW! They know me; they really know me!

I've gotten comments from those on the other end of the political spectrum who do two things:

1) Criticize my postings, each of which were NEWS reports or INTERVIEWS with a comment or two from myself.

2) Get in their "left" jab. Look, just because their guy is heading to the White House, did you actually think they'd stop talking?

I only quote some of them to prove that, well, they prove my point without my help.

ITEM: Commenting on my reposting a news article on Obama workers not getting paid.....

Well it's not like his campaign doesn't have the money. And it's not like he didn't run a rock solid campaign. So by all means, let's make a big deal out of some stupid payroll mistake.

With all due respect, the headline from that story was not a payroll mistake, it was how some Obama workers were already demanding what was theirs and got mad at their guy's payroll team. The final guy quoted doesn't even expect to ever see all the money due him. The PEOPLE and their subsequent reactions were the story here, folks. Dang, the polls hadn't been closed 24 hours and they were already up in arms.

I've worked in independent contractor, et al situations on many, many occasions over the years, and let me tell you, you don't go to your "payer" and DEMAND payment in 18 hours. Makes me wonder how many of these people truly understand the economic system. Getting paid twice a month, or once a month.......

Were they told to come that day and get their money? Yep, so shame on the campaign for not being ready. The people's reactions take center stage here, though, which is why I closed with my comment on being anxious to see their response when they realize Obama won't be paying every bill they have (Peggy, calling Peggy in Florida??)

ITEM: One comment on my Brokaw/Rose post asked for attribution on my "claim".

I should have been a bit clearer, as I did have issues posting the You Tube Video. Click on the blog post title, and Tom and Charlie will answer your questions themselves.

ITEM: My favorite comment, coming on the post where some loon celebrated in D.C. Tuesday night with the fashionable Soviet flag....complete with a pole to use to wave it! But this comment is to my question which will stay at the top of my blog for the foreseeable future:


Here's the comment in its entirety..........

"There" is a few places. There is back where we were before Bush messed everything up and left America on the brink.There is being in a position to truly show that we value life by allowing people to seek medical care without fear of financial ruin. There is where we can all be proud of America because we're not doing Godless things like torture, and carrying out needless wars just so billionaires can profit from the destruction and nation-building.And we'll get "there", with or without your help.


BTW, my comments below are in the smaller font, so people don't think I'm belittling the poster.

"...back where we were before Bush messed everything up....."

Messed up "what"? What did we "have" prior to that? Define "everything".

"...left America on the brink."

The "brink" of "what"? Nuclear war? Economic collapse that can never be fixed? Change?

"....we value life by allowing people to seek medical care without fear of financial ruin."

Allowing? I agree there are people don't have a way to get necessary care; absolutely true. But by letting the government take over health care, how does that justify the use of the word "allowing"? When I get "there", am I gonna need the government's permission to get health care? I thought Obama believed it was a right......

"....where we can all be proud of America because we're not doing Godless things like torture, and carrying out needless wars just so billionaires can profit from the destruction and nation-building."

What's your definition of torture? What do you know about international law and the Geneva Convention regarding this? I wonder if the hundreds of innocent Americans who slowly burned to death in the World Trade Center towers on 9/11 considered that a tortuous way to die? Do you know the difference between a "defendant" and a "war criminal"?? If so, give me some explanation.

Name three billionaires who have profited. Some may have! Name them, prove it, and let's go after them! accentuate your line of thinking, if this were the end game, with many more countries worldwide without democracy, why have we not invaded at least two or three more nations, like in areas much easier to invade (you know, countries without legitimate military protection) so we could rake in a few more billion in the name of democracy?

"And we'll get there, with or without your help."

Now THERE is a clue as to what we'll find at "there". In other words, "we will get it the way we want it, whether you help or not", which also concludes, if I or others get "in the way", gee.....what becomes of us? Simply a dissenting point of I pay a penalty for having one in this place called "there"?

I thought the days of "partisan bickering" and "divisive politics" were over. Well, this comment, plus "Go F*** Themselves" Emanuel prove that those days are not going away.


So, friends, let's review some facts of the last 48 hours:

1) Some Obama supporters already think they won't get what Obama owes them.

2) Tom Brokaw and Charlie Rose were dumb enough to actually admit before the election that they don't "know" Barack Obama on many fronts. You know, when it comes to those who influenced him, his views on CHINA, etc.......(psst....guys, it's your JOB to find these things out).

3) Obama's Chief of Staff is partisan and "Chicago Machine politics" head-to-toe, and we all know how the Chicago Machine respects "bipartisanship".....

4) George W. Bush will be blamed for everything in everyone's lives for the next 25 years. Including the paper cut some unknown Obama supporter in Colorado will get in 2011 opening a ream of paper.

5) Oh, and America is on the brink.

The "brink" of what? I don't know. My commenter wouldn't get specific.

He/she didn't get specific about alot of things. Which is exactly what we "heard" from Barack Obama. Change. Change. But NO clue as to what kind or how it's done.


Ask my kids; when you come to me attempting to prove your point of view correct and/or mine incorrect, have specifics and facts to prove them. Don't use terms that make you sound enlightened, when in fact, Katie Couric might have a field day with you on follow-up questions.

If I don't know something, I'll tell you. If I'm wrong, I'll tell you. But note, much of what you'll see posted here politically, especially between now and January 20th, will be NEWS. All of the above comments were posted based on NEWS items.....and a very simple question.

EVERY American, no matter who they voted for, should now assume the role of the lovable but tired kid in the back seat (or the middle seat of the SUV or minivan).....and just ask:

"Are we 'there' yet?"


  1. Anonymous8:48 AM

    I was the one who left the "there" comment.

    I'm sorry if I didn't write you a 20 page essay explaining each basic idea point by point. I was under the foolish assumption that you had payed attention to politics, or maybe had read a book, at some point in the last 6 years. Considering the way you parse my every word, I'd expect you to be a bit more literate.

    One thing I really don't understand is how Obama's plan to provide health insurance for citizens is so often described as OMG GOVERNMENT RUN SOCIALIZED HEALTHCARE!!1nazis!

    Seriously, with nearly every response you act like the Democrats are going to throw you into a concentration camp.

  2. Anonymous5:20 PM

    You seem very angry over Obama's election. Sorry your guy didn't win, but did you think he really had a chance with Bush's legacy and Palin's incompetence.

    Dude, relax. People were fed up with the bullsh*t and that's why Obama was elected. If you're wondering what "change" means, very simply it means NOT BUSH and for many McCain was more of the same.

    Now sit back, relax and enjoy the ride. You may even be surprised how much you like it!
