Friday, November 07, 2008

Oh, it's MANDATED change.......

There's something just not quite right about the concept of "mandated volunteerism".

After reading this post, please, click HERE and enjoy the future of volunteering in "Obama-Land".

At first, the way the paragraph is written, it reads that ALL Americans would have to serve either 50 hours in middle or high school, or 100 hours at a college. I later learned that this program is simply for the students, thanks to one of those evil blogs.

Note to self: Send the Obama transition team an English teacher with excellent grammar skills.

But, BEFORE you click the link (which is to HIS OWN site, BTW, not some hack right-wing blog....), PLEASE read how this "program" was presented to the American people during the campaign.


Obama and Biden will set a goal that all middle and high school students do 50 hours of community service a year, and will establish a new tax credit that is worth $4,000 a year in exchange for 100 hours of public service a year.


Now, go click on the link to the President-Elect's site and see how "set a goal" was code-speak for mandatory volunteerism. And my post here focuses on the middle and high school student portion (which offers no dangled carrot of a tax credit, BTW)...

Obama wants to dictate to my two kids (and yours, too) HOW and WHEN to volunteer in their community! MINORS! I know there's gotta be something in the First Amendment that would, well, expose this for what it really is......

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