Friday, November 07, 2008

Again, to those who comment.......

Since I've received one reply to my "comment" post of yesterday, let me reiterate to simply explain what I ask anyone to do to explain a point or offer proof to show the point as truth. Doesn't have to be political. In fact, I might ask you to prove a point with which I am in agreement. Why? To make sure people are informed, and not walking around saying they want to vote for someone because he/she will bring "change"....but the voter has no clue how to explain what the change is. And if I'm offering an opinion and cannot back it up, then SHAME ON ME!!!!!

Here's my quote from yesterday's post:

Ask my kids; when you come to me attempting to prove your point of view correct and/or mine incorrect, have specifics and facts to prove them. Don't use terms that make you sound enlightened, when in fact, Katie Couric might have a field day with you on follow-up questions.

With this in mind, I receive this today:

I was the one who left the "there" comment. I'm sorry if I didn't write you a 20 page essay explaining each basic idea point by point. I was under the foolish assumption that you had payed attention to politics, or maybe had read a book, at some point in the last 6 years. Considering the way you parse my every word, I'd expect you to be a bit more literate. One thing I really don't understand is how Obama's plan to provide health insurance for citizens is so often described as OMG GOVERNMENT RUN SOCIALIZED HEALTHCARE!! 1nazis!Seriously, with nearly every response you act like the Democrats are going to throw you into a concentration camp.

Did I get any answers to the question I posed, which was done for the expressed and sole purpose of having the commenter explain and defend their positions and beliefs? Not one.

But, I did learn that I don't pay attention to politics, don't read books, I'm not very literate (certainly less so than he/she), and finally, the obligatory accusation of using inflammatory terms, this time related to the health care issue, rather than answer my questions and helping me understand how, if my health care is going to be the same as Congress', it's going to still be part of the free market. Congress' insurance is government-paid. I'll get the same. Therefore (a little postulate/theorem throwback to 9th grade Geometry), I get government-paid insurance, correct? And nothing paid for by the Federal Government comes without, well, some rules and regs.

Then, as we would do in geometry, we would go off on the search to prove this either right or wrong. I didn't get any answers as to whether my concern is justified or not.

But I was told, in so many terms, that I'm spreading the words of fear.


So, so glad I don't have Alex Trebek's job. All day I would say, "The answer is......", and I'm concerned that all I'd hear in response would be crickets........


  1. Anonymous7:01 PM

    yikes, never seen anyone this
    worked up over comments.

  2. Anonymous7:45 PM

    Liberals will be Liberals....and ignorance loves the company! Seems these two are very compatible. I sure wish Harry Truman was around to set things straight!

    Now I look forward to receiving all those rich folks money! I am at the lower level of the pay scale, so I am suppose to get a little extra from all the fat cats who "don't deserve" what they have! Maybe when all is said and done, I will be sitting on top of the world HUH....doubt that!

    And they say that America is the land of opportunity.....only if you jump the fence or crawl through the tunnel.

  3. Anonymous10:50 AM


    "We´ll get there" so Obama said,
    But "there" was undefined--
    Our destination dead ahead,
    But Where?--O do you mind?

    "I´m confident we´ll get there" so
    Triumphal he avowed--
    But where is there, I´d like to know?
    The crowd repeated loud.

    "Oh yes we can, I know we can"
    He said, for emphasis,
    But with such imprecision--man--
    There´s neither hit nor miss!

    "O yes we can," euphoric they
    Did thunder in response,
    The huddled masses--by the way
    But where´s "there" pray announce.

    "We´ll get there, O we´ll get there," yes
    It gives me confidence,
    But where we´re going, I confess
    In future-perfect tense

    Has got to be some place or other--
    I´ll take it on the chin:
    We´ll get there, sure as Martin Luther
    Did set the world to spin.

    He pegged it on the door, but this
    However it´s euphoric
    "We´ll get there," begs analysis;
    I´ve heard that it´s historic.

    Look, let us pray Obama´s an
    Honorable precursor
    To much of good, but--"yes we can"
    For better or for worser

    But seems an insufficient steerage
    To guide the ship of state:
    When empty slogans link in marriage
    To vagaries--checkmate.

    I´m glad to give the benefit
    Of doubt to our commander,
    But where the hell is "there"--to hit
    The target or to pander?

    I know we´re going to get there, bub,
    The final stop is death,
    John Maynard Keynes said--there´s the rub,
    Where little profiteth--

    But in the short term, where is there
    I´d really like to know:
    It´s here and there and anywhere
    So as catchphrases go.

